Hi everyone, my name is Kim and I come from Hanoi, Vietnam.
This year, I am a senior at Bennington College. My plan focuses a lot on Developmental Psychology. However, I'm also studying a lot of French and Statistics and Drama, besides psychology. This year is my last year at Bennington so I have to do advanced work to complete my coursework at Bennington. And because I'm in the SCT Discipline, which stands for Society Culture and Thought, so I have to do a thesis in which I have to produce research. So I could opt for one-term or two-term thesis. I chose to do a two-term thesis because I wanted to incorporate the element of qualitative research into this thesis.
So for the first term, I did like a literature review and in the second term, I am currently working on my data analysis. And my thesis is about shaming and more clearly it's about shaming as a disciplinary in Vietnamese parenting. I have read articles of Heidi Fong in one of my classes— psychology classes, and they were just so inspiring. I was really connected to her writing and her research. She focuses a lot on shame and the socialization process of shame. In Chinese culture, especially with Chinese children. And I saw a lot of incidents in my daily life in Vietnam, in which shame was used as like, you know, disciplinary measure with children to teach children and standards also just social values. So I was really interested in this topic. And with my help with the help of my professors, I decided to do a research in shame and shaming as a disciplinary measure. In my culture. This be one term, I got a public action grant and I decided to fly back to Vietnam. ended my research there. So I conducted interviews with 10 Vietnamese adults. And I asked them just questions about their life and semi structured interviews, style, and it was very, a very fascinating project for me. I had a lot of fun working on that and along the way, I have received So much help from my professors, especially my psychology professors, David Andre. And I am also working with Noah Coburn, our anthropology professor, but he's helping students who are working on two term thesis to finish up their thesis. So he's my advisor right now for this thesis class. And and I'm also very grateful for just you know, the open the openness and open attitude of the participants in my research, and seeing this is like a very taboo topic in Vietnam and we do not talk about it. The openness that they carry in either interviews really surprised me, and it was really wonderful to have a topic but also have a chance to explore the topic in different ways. Not just in the literature, but also a more practical and empirical research. Yeah, and I think that's pretty much about my senior year and also my advanced work. If you have any question about events work, I'm very happy to talk to you through email, or set up a phone call. So just email me at Kim wellington.edu and I'm very happy to talk about my project. See you soon.
So I was really interested in this topic. And with the help of my professors, I decided to do research in shame and shaming as a disciplinary measure in my culture. This term, I got a Public Action Grant and I decided to fly back to Vietnam and did my research there. So I conducted interviews with 10 Vietnamese adults. And I asked them questions about their life—semi-structured interview style, and it was a very fascinating project for me. I had a lot of fun working on that and along the way, I have received so much help from my professors, especially my psychology professors, David Andre. And I am also working with Noah Coburn, our Anthropology professor, he's helping students who are working on two-term thesis to finish up their thesis. So he's my advisor right now for this thesis class.
And and I'm also very grateful for just, you know, openness and open attitude of the participants in my research, and seeing this is like a very taboo topic in Vietnam and we do not talk about it. The openness that they carry in their interviews really surprised me, and it was really wonderful to have a topic but also have a chance to explore the topic in different ways. Not just in the literature, but also a more practical and empirical research.
Yeah, and I think that's pretty much about my senior year and also my advanced work. If you have any question about my advanced work, I'm very happy to talk to you through email, or set up a phone call. So just email me at kim@benington.edu and I'm very happy to talk about my project. See you soon.